training and adaptation

Our service provides assistance to individuals moving to Azerbaijan and their families. We understand that relocating to another country can be challenging and even exciting, especially when it involves choosing a permanent residence. We offer a comprehensive range of services designed to facilitate a comfortable, safe relocation, followed by quick adaptation to your new surroundings, making you feel at home.

A Wide Range of Relocation and Adaptation Services

Upon first arrival in a new country, it's common to feel overwhelmed due to the multitude of domestic issues that must be resolved promptly and simultaneously. These may include registration at local institutions, finding suitable accommodation, applying for access to medical services, acquiring other important documents, finding a nanny or a cleaning service, selecting a reputable school or kindergarten, or enrolling your child in a studio or club. Caspian Private Leisure is eager to provide all possible services related to settling in and adapting to your new environment. We are happy to take care of some of these matters before your arrival in Azerbaijan, so that when you arrive, we can present a range of solutions for you to choose from.

What we will take care of

Only individual solutions

We will do our utmost to make your move to Azerbaijan as stress-free and comfortable as possible, aiding you in adjusting to the new surroundings and culture swiftly. We work with the best Azerbaijani language teachers, guides, and psychologists to create a personalized program to help you acquaint yourself with the country, its language, customs, and interesting sights. We organize excursion tours for adults and exciting activities for children. Caspian Private Leisure guarantees professional support in all aspects of adaptation in Azerbaijan and delivers high-quality services.

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